IMPORTANT NOTE:- Devotees purchasing online tickets MUST PRINT THE E-TICKET in any DTP center and bring it along with them. They should show it to the temple staff to validate the ticket number to participate in Puja and while collecting prasadam.

Temple History
In the year 1813, a Military Battalion in which one Suriti Appaiah, a Doli Bearer was transferred to Ujjaini. At the time Cholera broke out in a virulent firm, and thousands of people died. Suriti Appaiah and his associates went to Mahakali Devasthanam at Ujjaini and prayed that if the people are saved from the epidemic, they would install the idol of Mahakali, Secunderabad.
Accordingly after return from Ujjaini, Sri Suriti Appaiah and his associates have installed the idol of Goddess Mahakali made of wood at Secunderabad in July 1815.
During construction of sanctum sanctorum a stone idol named as Manikyalamma was found and that the said idol was also installed besides Sri Mahakali Ammavaru.
In the year 1964, a stone idol of Goddess Mahakali was installed. Later on Sri Suriti Appaiah with the help of Philanthropic persons has developed the Devasthanam. Subsequently Endowments Department has taken over the Management of the Devasthanam.